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Fatal System Errors in the US Education System 7 Reasons the U.S. Education System Is Failing! Recently, today actually, I saw a post   automotive seo    of a video on Facebook that detailed simple questions posed to university students regarding BASIC social and historic facts, events and the people who govern our country. The results were astounding to say the least! Abject failure and an inability to name or identify ANY of the people, places and events. Let me repeat... NONE. The formal education system in the U.S. was designed to meet the demands of the industrial revolution by  trade schools near me     providing basic education to the masses. Pretty simple right? So why is it that we fail to recognize or refuse to acknowledge that the demands are different today? There has not been a calculable redefinition or evolution of the educational system since. This is scary as it will define the failure of our country step-by-step  cell phone repair training     and bit-by-bit unt

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